Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Lady Gaga: Waste of Talent?

Behind the glitter, the crazy head pieces and over the top outfits, Lady Gaga just might actually have some talent. Following in the previous generations footsteps, Gaga hides her talent behind pop beats that do her no justice. Gaga is today's generation Madonna or Cher.
There is actually proof of Lady Gaga showing her talent on the Howard Stern show. If she was ever to break out of her glam pop over the top outfits and ever wants to actually sing, she is capable! It is very hard to believe but it is indeed true. Gaga has talent but choses (or should I say, her label choses) not to show it.

There are artists like Nicki Minaj that go over the top and still have no talent. There is also Katy Perry (Click the link for the best video EVER) who puts on a hell of a show and screams talent. Lady Gaga should one day break out of this cliche crazy career and become a legit singer. It could happen!

- John

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