Monday, November 28, 2011

Three Days Disgrace

Three Days Grace, I hate everything about you. In modern English, we try to avoid cliches, but you guys are perpetuating tasteless redundancy in lyrical content.

Why does this video of theirs have nearly 14-million views? I suppose it's because too few people read this blog, which would allow them to terms with what bad music really is.

Guys, the nineties are over; get with the program.

Try listening to some Deep Purple; maybe they can remove the bad taste from your mouths.

You know your music is miserable when there is just one, but TWO Facebook pages dedicated to how much your band blows.

There's a lot of deplorable Top-40 rock and metal (think Nickelback in the post below), but at least their songs are catchy and well produced.

It's not often that I have absolutely nothing nice to say... Hell... at least Attack! Attack!'s guitarist does a good crustacean impression.

Don't you guys just love the puns I manage to integrate into every post title?

Why is anybody listening to this terrible band?!??!?


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